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Direct Marketing Tool SaleQR

There is a true news in the Direct Response Marketing sector:
"the products’ interactivity",
this means that the products can interact with potential buyers.

After many years of design and development,
the SaleQR tool is finally ready to be used in the beta version and it satisfies this concept.

But first, ask some questions, the same questions that the founders asked themselves before starting the project:
1. At present, are our products interactive with potential buyers?
2. Is there any possibility to pick up a signal when a product arouses interest to a potential buyer?

It is already a success that a potential buyer:
  • pays attention just picking up a product,
  • pays attention to the advertising,
  • consults the details of an online product.

But, it is difficult to keep track of all this.

So, what is missing in order to make these practices suitable for the Direct Response Marketing?
The indispensable "Call to Action": it is needed a buyer’s benefit to encourage them to do a trackable action.

And it is here that the SaleQR tool comes into play – if printed near the product.

The potential buyer, by scanning the SaleQR code, knows that saving the product in his/her wish list
it will be the first to be informed about future discounts.
There will be a sort of automatism:
"scan the SaleQR --> add to wish list --> track and get discounts".

All this is for the benefit of the Directive Response Marketing.

The data collected in this way are very useful because they indicate the buyers’ wishes with an impressive precision.
Every time that a person shows interest in a product, in accordance with the Privacy, the retailer and the brand will be informed.
The marketing administrators can follow in real time "the interests" and have the opportunity to make specific offers to groups of potential buyers.

It is also possible to understand the advertising channel used to reach a product; this helps to improve the advertising planning and the ROI.
The brand can use the SaleQR metrics, as a third part, to account for the influencers’ performance.

SaleQR allows brands to block the counterfeiting on the platform, by ensuring the purchase of original products.

SaleQR is not an e-commerce, even if it could be used as such, but it is "the products’ social media" that reports discounts about your favourite products.

The SaleQR user needs to show his/her intention of purchase to the retailer in order to get some discounts.

Only after some purchases made on trusted retailers, always certified as trusted from the brand, the user can become a "trusted".
The control allows the absence of fake accounts on SaleQR and this makes the marketing date more reliable.

As you can see, SaleQR reverses the direction of tracking.
The potential buyer makes the first move, then it is up to you.

SaleQR offers users accounts, retailer and influencer for free.
For the account brand there are excellent customized offers based on usage.
However, brands can benefit from free trial appropriate to the evaluation of SaleQR Tool.

Join us and try SaleQR
Make your products interactive
Some useful links to deepen the subject: