How to Get Qualified Leads into Salesforce CRM
How to get Qualified Leads into Salesforce CRM.
Give to Get, give a personal discount - to those who liked your product - to get back their contact as qualified leads.
The implicit game
"Scan or Click the product's SaleQR you like to get a discount"
distinguishes between Simple Leads and Qualified Leads.
It lets you know only Qualified Leads, almost Opportunities.
They are the best target to be focused on, today.
This simple mechanism is based on 3 element:
1. a discount available (immediate or deferred).
2. a SaleQR code and link available for each product you sell in-store / online.
3. a SaleQR Web-To-Lead to send the interested leads into your Salesforce CRM. helps people track discounts of products they like.
It lets customers tell you what they are interested in, today.
It reverses the direction of tracking and make your marketing and sales strategy bidirectional.
Let us do a small test:
how can I let you know by "just one click" on which of your product I am interested now?
Open also the communication from people to you.
Capture daily into your Salesforce those interests and help them to become your clients.
SaleQR gives 30 days free trial and full assistance to connect all your product or service to your Salesforce CRM.