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Term & Conditions

Version 1.0
June, 04 2018 till now

In order to make these terms and conditions better understood, we have tried to write it as simple as possible, but not for non-binding reasons.

This document describes the rights and obligations of physical and legal persons who interact with by subscription (on the site), which is fulfilled through the ownership of a SaleQR Account.

Any seller, B2B or B2C, must guarantee to the person who clicks or scan the SaleQR link or code:
1. to be among the first people informed about the discount - at least 24h advantage.
2. any "one to one" personalized discounts must be greater than other discounts.
3. the availability of products in order to avoid false discounts. For example by informing the quantity available.

There are four types of accounts:

User account: dedicated to people who wish to follow up their favorite products and keep track of discounts.
Professional business accounts: for retailers.
Professional Brand accounts: for brands.
Professional Influencer account: dedicated to influencers.

I. User account: dedicated to people who wish to follow up their favorite products and keep track of discounts.

1. Section: Registration, setting up and deletion of a user account.

To register at, fill in the registration form and enter the following information:

  1. The captcha anti-abuse security code from the bots which is on the same registration form.
    This way you can prevent automatic computerized systems from creating fake accounts.
  2. The country where you intend to better track and follow up discounts from your preferred retailers, this indication improves the connection speed to the site.
    This data cannot be modified later.
  3. The email is only required during registration to send the temporary password. does not store the user's e-mail but does store the alphanumeric string derived from the MD5 irreversible coding. i.e. the email is transformed and stored on in the following form: "F7DDDA6DA2FF6742BCF183671583EFA6".
    The purpose of this transformation meets one of the fundamental principles of SaleQR, that of preserving our users’ privacy in an event of data theft or hacking.
    It also complies with our latest privacy regulations, as does not hold subscribers’ personal data nor relay them to third parties.
  4. he nick name is necessary to protect users’ privacy towards the marketing industry.
    SaleQR prevents habits and preferences from being associated to traceable physical persons.

After submitting the form, the user will receive the first and only email from the system containing a password necessary to log in to
Furthermore, by clicking your nickname which appears at the top (top page next to the logo), you can set up your user account preferences.
We recommend changing the password to your desired password as soon as possible after you sign in. In this section there is a link to delete your account.

2. Section: Using the user account.

By scanning the SaleQR product code via a QR-Rader (unfortunately SaleQR does not provide any QR-Rader at the moment), the user is directed to the product details link on
Here, the user has the possibility to add products into his favorite Wish List.

When this is done, both the retailer and the brand automatically see (in their respective account dashboards) an increase in the number of user accounts that want the product, the nick name and trust status as a sign of seriousness of the user account.
Both the retailer and the brand are prevented from having access to any other user account information.

Furthermore, both the retailer and the brand cannot send spam nor other communications to a user account.

Any product discount is shown at the bottom of the product description.
The user can reserve the right to the discount by replying in due time and respecting the available quantity of discounted products. It is not possible to reserve a discount right over the amount available at the time of booking.

The user must indicate an exact collection time (order) of the goods at the point of sale.
SaleQR allows you to add more products at the same pick-up time.
Attention to this step!
The right to a discount is obtained and becomes binding to the user only when a positive response is received from the retailer after sending an order from the detail-order page.

The user is obliged to present himself at the sales point at the time indicated.
For any delay or order cancellations not notified in advance to the retailer according to the terms and methods agreed by both parties, the user is automatically punished by the system through the loss of his "trust" status.

The loss of the "trust" status could reduce the user’s possibility of interaction on SaleQR excluding him from any discounts at the discretion of retailers.
To better explain, a retailer has the right to exclude unethical users from his offers.
A user account is not transferable to third parties and the subscriber must keep his password cautiously.
Any improper use of the user account is penalized by deleting the account.
Accounts not used for more than 13 months are automatically deleted from the system.
Orders placed by the user are canceled after the thirteenth month.

II - III - IV - Professional Accounts: Business account, Brand account, Influencers account

1. Rights to registration and ownership of a Professional account.

Any authorized retailer, brand or influencer who is in possession of the necessary licenses issued by the state, region or city in which he / she operates has the rights to register and own a professional account.

An Independent Committee, made up of volunteers living in various countries, has the right to cancel any suspicious professional account.
After an eventual check on the validity of the data entered, a professional account obtains the "trusted" status.
This status is changed to "untrusted" each time a suspicious change is made to the account data. Moreover, the "trust" status is, lost when there is unethical behavior towards other accounts and / or third parties, even outside the site.

Suspicious behavior, improper use of the account, information that is not true or harmful towards other accounts and / or third parties are punished with immediate and automatic deletion of the account. The promotion and sales of fake products can cause the damaged party to obtain a deletion of the account directly or indirectly as a promoter.
The discounts, promotions and bogus offers to the detriment of users is sanctioned by an immediate and automatic business account deletion procedure prior verification by an independent committee made up of volunteers residing in various countries.

2. Relationships: rights and obligations of a Professional account.

a) Business Account - User Account relationship.
The retailer, who operates through a SaleQR business account is obliged to deliver the products booked by the user and with the agreed price (discounted) in the order received.

b) Business Account - Brand Account relationship

b-1) Business Account
Every retailer operating through a SaleQR business account, is obliged to comply to our anti-fraud policy.
A brand account can delete a business account if the latter is involved directly or indirectly in counterfeiting its products.
If a brand reserves the sale of its products only to affiliated retailers, then a retailer must request for a sale authorization internally and externally to SaleQR.
A business account can be configured to accept campaign discounts managed by the brand in the following three forms:

  1. Accept them immediately
    - guaranteeing an infinite number of available products
  2. Accepting after own (business/shop) approval
    - modifying the number of available products
  3. Blocking each brand campaign discount

b-2) Brand Account:
A brand account can set the authorization of the sale of its products open to all dealers or only to retailers explicitly authorized by SaleQR internally.
A brand account can create and send valid campaign discounts in some or all stores.
SaleQR gives the retailer, the power to manage the validity of brand campaigns at its own discretion and / or agreements between brand and retailer external to SaleQR.

c) Brand Account - Influencer Account relationship
On SaleQR, the collaboration between brand and influencer is free will. Both parties accept the results provided by the SaleQR site, which keeps track of the orders and contacts that the influencer contributes to the brand's campaign discount.
In case of suspicious acivity, such as fake accounts or fake orders, the brand has the right to suspend the collaboration with the influencer in question by denying its campaign fee.
In order to avoid any abuse of the brand, the influencer can claim and obtain the partial payment, if the brand campaign last for many months.

d) Professional Accounts - SaleQR Social Media relationship
Since is in beta start-up with probable errors and bugs, the parties agree to participate with due caution.
The owners of the professional accounts are aware of the risks and they participate cautiously in the measure in which any dysfunction of the does not create damage of any nature and quantity to them.
They therefore make explicit waiver of damages due to malfunctions of the SaleQR system / site online / offline.
The parties agree not to claim damages from each other in case an eventual malfunction of the online / offline system / site occurs.

Unilateral withdrawal - All parties.
All parties hold the rights to withdraw immediately by deleting their account.

Unilateral withdrawal - SaleQR party.
SaleQR reserves the right to immediately delete accounts that violate the terms and conditions.

You understand that SaleQR and/or their assigns does not guarantee or predict any type of profit or response from said services.
Subscriber agrees to hold SaleQR harmless from and against any and all losses, claims, expenses, suits, damages, costs, demands or liabilities, joint or several, of whatever kind or nature which SaleQR and/or their assigns may become subject arising out of or relating in any way to the use of the services provided under this agreement, including, without limitation, in each case attorneys' fees, costs and expenses actually incurred in defending against or enforcing any such losses, claims, expenses, suits, damages or liabilities.

Termination. We may terminate your account:
(A) if you violate our Terms and conditions; (B) promote SaleQR in a manner that is unethical or inappropriate; or (C) for any reason, in our sole discretion.

D. No Warranties. WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES TO YOU OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICE SaleQR , ITS SUBCONTRACTORS AND AFFILIATES PROVIDE YOU. WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF THIS SERVICE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. We shall not be liable for any damages suffered by you, whether indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, or consequential, including, by not limited to, loss of data or service interruptions, regardless of cause or fault. We are not responsible for your lost profits or for your loss of data or information. If notwithstanding this clause we are held liable to you.

E. TERMS. You agree: (1) to use our system in a manner that is ethical and in conformity with community standards; (2) to respect the privacy of other users (you shall not intentionally seek data or passwords belonging to other users, nor will you modify files or represent yourself as another user unless explicitly authorized to do so by that user); (3) to respect the legal protection provided by copyright law, trade secret law, or other laws protecting intellectual property.

Version 1.0
June, 04 2018 till now